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4 Tips for Managing Hormonal Acne

dermatology professionalsMany women who have periods experience skin-related physical symptoms before, during, and after her menses. While dull skin tones and dryness can sometimes come during PMS, one of the most common skin complaints related to menstruation is acne.

Hormone-related acne breakouts can be a real downer. Knowing you’re going to experience pimples at least once a month is bad enough, but most people (96%) have even reported feeling depressed because of their acne. Combine a bad mood caused by acne and a bad mood caused by hormonal changes during your period, and you have a recipe for a really unhappy week.

Luckily, hormonal acne is predictable and therefore fairly treatable. If you can set your calendar by your PMS acne breakouts, read on. Here are four ways to diminish the look of acne before, during, and after your period.

1. Talk to Dermatology Professionals

These days, there are more DIY acne treatment methods than any one person can count. Unfortunately, many of these methods simply don’t work, especially since hormonal acne isn’t always caused by the same bacteria as regular whiteheads and blackheads. By speaking with dermatology professionals, you’ll be able to identify whether your acne really is period-related, or whether it’s caused by other factors. A dermatologist can recommend different acne treatments, or even direct you to a virtual acne program designed to target your specific kind of breakouts.

2. Try Focus-Cleansing

Many women experience hormonal acne as painful, deep cysts that develop along the jawline and near the chin. Though dermatology professionals aren’t quite sure why the chin is so susceptible to hormonal acne, many suspect that the chin’s oil glands are to blame. When you’re washing your face, try to focus your soapy efforts on this area. Over-washing less acne-prone parts of the face can cause dryness and irritation, but concentrating on your trouble spots might help you find a more balanced complexion.

3. Don’t Pick!

Whatever kind of acne you have, resist the urge to pick or pop pimples! Your fingers will only spread germs to the blemish, making future breakouts more likely.

4. Be Patient

Unfortunately, hormonal acne and other kinds of acne can linger throughout your teenage years. For some people, acne even lasts throughout their twenties. With the help of your dermatologist, you’ll be able to manage symptoms, but don’t count on acne completely disappearing until you’re a bit older.

Any kind of acne can be tough to manage. Hormonal, period-related acne might seem like a double whammy of frustration and discomfort. Use these tips to better understand and manage hormonal acne. With patience and the help of a dermatologist, you can learn to love (or at least like) your skin at any time of the month!dermatology professionals

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