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Why You Should Never Forget to Remove Your Makeup

Is not removing your makeup every day really a big deal?

After a long day (or night) out, it can be tempting to slink into bed and forgo your skincare routine. The truth is, failing to take off makeup can have negative consequences for your health, beyond the nuisance of a dirty pillowcase.

The Big, Bad Truth

When you fall asleep, your body gets to work. At night, the body generates new skin cells and repairs damage. But makeup can stop this crucial process in its tracks. When your pores are filled with makeup, they’re unable to breathe, and therefore unable to regenerate new cells.

As a result, you’ll experience deeper wrinkles, uneven tone, dark circles, puffiness, acne, and dryness. To make matters worse, your makeup attracts free radicals over the course of the day — particles that exacerbate aging. When your makeup is not removed, these harmful particles latch onto your skin for longer.

What’s a Girl to Do?

The solution is simple: be sure to take off your makeup before you go to sleep. However, makeup removal can be a deceptively complicated art. Here are our tips for ensuring that you avoid waking up to mascara streaks on your pillow.

In many ways, a makeup removal routine is just as important as a daily skincare regimen. Cleansing your skin properly ensures that your evening acne care products and moisturizers can be especially effective. For further information, talk to a dermatologist about the makeup removal ritual that’s best for you.

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