How Cosmetic Dermatology Can Treat Your Acne Scars
A dermatologist can treat patients for a number of skin-related issues, from acne to skin cancer to varicose veins. In the spring of 2017, approximately 34.77 million people used a dermatologist within a 12 month period. A major branch of their procedures is in cosmetic dermatology, which can be used to treat acne scarring with a variety of methods.
Laser Treatment
Lasers are used for many types of reliable procedures, like hair removal and eye surgery, because of recent advancements in the technology. As such, it is also becoming a go-to for many dermatologists to treat scars. Laser treatment doesn’t get rid of the acne scars but replaces them with other scars that are not noticeable. The laser essentially resurfaces your skin. Your dermatologist should schedule a medical consultation before the procedure to get to know the characteristics of your scars, your skin type, and your overall health. Before and after the treatment you will have to be very careful to protect your skin from the sun and other elements by keeping it protected until it is fully healed.
Cosmetic dermatology uses fillers for many purposes, but treating acne scarring is a prominent one in conjunction with laser treatment. Fillers even out your skin by being injected under its surface, plumping and smoothing out your depressed acne scars. They can be made with your own fat, collagen, or a commercial filler. You and your dermatologist should decide on the type you use by considering your medical history, any allergies you may have, and which will be most effective in treating your scars long term. While most fillers give almost immediate results, they all have a different timeline for how long they last. You’ll still need to avoid the sun after getting fillers, but icing the area for about 20 minutes afterward will reduce redness and swelling and allow you to return to everyday activities.
Chemical Peels
A chemical peel is used in cosmetic dermatology as an acne treatment and to fit against wrinkles as well as to treat acne scarring. Chemical peels usually require the patient to follow a pre-peel skin care plan for two to four weeks. The procedure itself involves a strong acid that is used to remove the top layer of skin to reduce deeper scars. There are several different intensities of chemical peels that all require different at-home care. Consult your dermatologist to decide on the right level of chemical peel for your skin.
Acne is already a bothersome condition, but when it leaves lasting scars you can lose confidence in your appearance. Know that there are options to treat these scars and regain the smooth skin you had before the breakouts began.
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