Don’t Let Acne Get You Down: 5 Tips for Preserving Self-Esteem
Here are some ways you can keep your chin up — even if there are zits on it.
Acne got you down? You’re not alone. Of the 50 million Americans who suffer from acne, many feel that their breakouts negatively impact their self-confidence, affecting everything from their mental health to their social calendars. If you’re experiencing the breakout blues, here are some tips to help you maintain your positive outlook as you move forward in the acne treatment process.
1. Be Patient with Acne Treatment
First thing’s first: if you’re struggling with acne, it’s important to seek professional treatment. Seeing a dermatologist and developing the right skincare regime will help clear up your skin in the long-term and prevent future scarring. But remember, skincare is a process, and unfortunately, your acne won’t clear up overnight. It could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for you to see results, so sit back, be patient, and let your skin heal on its own time.
2. Keep Things in Perspective
Believe it or not, the world isn’t ending even though you woke up with a big, angry pimple. Chances are you’re much more aware of your breakouts than anyone else is. Minimize the impact of your breakout on your daily life (and mentality) by spending less time in the mirror, and more time focused on your work, school, or hobbies.
3. Don’t Let Acne Hold You Back
You wouldn’t let a bad hair day keep you home from work, so why should you let acne dictate your schedule? Whether your skin is clear or covered in zits, you should be as socially active and involved as you’d normally be — even if you feel like avoiding interaction. You may find, as soon as you make an effort to proceed with your day as usual, that you’ll forget all about that insignificant pimple.
4. Talk to Others Who Struggle with Their Skin
If you’re having a hard time maintaining self-esteem, you’re certainly not alone. While your friends and family may be supportive, your comrades in the acne trenches will be most able to provide useful guidance and support. Reach out to others through online forums and in-person meeting groups, and employ the tips and tricks they’ve used over the years to cope.
5. Focus on the Positives
Last but certainly not least, try to focus on the positives. So you don’t like your acne — what do you like about yourself? Instead of worrying about when your skin will clear up, focus on what you have control over and what makes you happy. Your acne shouldn’t determine your happiness, and it certainly shouldn’t stop you from living your life to the fullest.
Questions or concerns about how to clear up your acne? Talk to a dermatologist to clear up your complexion and bolster your confidence.
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